Welcome to the Ventriloquist Academy!
Thank you so much and congratulations on investing in the Ventriloquist Academy! You are about to begin a new, exciting adventure as you learn how to be a ventriloquist!
I value your business and will try to over deliver with this course. I also will be adding new content to the membership site from time to time, the overwhelming majority of which you will have access to for free.
Please watch the short video before you begin the lessons for more info on how to best use the members area.
I think you will find the site easy to navigate.
Thanks again. Now let's get started in the Ventriloquist Academy!
First - Follow The Instructions Below

Please be sure to check your spam/junk/trash folders and mark my emails as "not spam." Some email services may not recognize lee@ventriloquistacademy.com or support@ventriloquistacademy.com and filter the messages. By following this simple request, you'll be certain to not miss any update notices or important information because it went into your spam folder.

The members only, private Facebook group is a terrific way to connect with others, ask questions and share ideas as you go through (and even after you finish) the course. It will also allow you to make connections and create long term relationships and friendships with other ventriloquists!
Join the Facebook group by CLICKING HERE
By using this website, you agree to our standard privacy policy, which can be read HERE