No Success With Learning Ventriloquism?
The Ventriloquist Academy Has Moved!
Please do not order from this page!
Check out the NEW Ventriloquist Academy at
Discover insider secrets on how you can finally become a ventriloquist, be performing before live audiences and admired by everyone.
And I'll show you how in as little as 30 days. GUARANTEED!
If you are already a ventriloquist, I also guarantee you'll find tons
of fantastic information in the Ventriloquist Academy Online School!
Dear Friend,
Imagine this…
You're standing behind the curtain, ready to go on stage for the first time. You're excited and your adrenaline is pumping because you've dreamed of this moment for as long as you can remember. The MC announces you and your partner's name, and you walk on stage, into the spotlight, to the applause of the crowd! You begin your routine, joking with your "sidekick" and the audience responds with laughter, wonderment and applause. You're a huge hit! After the show many people crowd around to compliment you on your amazing talent and you think to yourself, "Why did I wait so long to become a ventriloquist?...”
Well, now you can join the thousands of others who have made their dream of becoming a ventriloquist come true by becoming a student of the Ventriloquist Academy Online Ventriloquist School!
I've been online teaching people ventriloquism for over 20 years!
How it all began
Hi. My name is Lee Cornell. I first became “hooked” on ventriloquism when I was 9 years old. The only gift I wanted for Christmas that year was a ventriloquist puppet from the annual Sears Christmas catalog (anyone else remember those?). I vividly remember lying awake in bed each night – wanting so badly to become a ventriloquist.
On Christmas morning, with it gently snowing outside (it's cliche', but true) and the smell of my mom's hot chocolate heating on the stove (no microwaves in those days!), I carefully opened the one package that I felt might contain the gift I so desperately wanted. My wish came true!

The box contained what would become my first ventriloquist puppet. I named him Jerry. Now, I thought, I was on my way to becoming a ventriloquist!
My disappointment
The puppet came with a little four page booklet that only explained the basics of ventriloquism. And, it was nowhere near detailed enough to show me how to become a ventriloquist. I tried to learn from the booklet, but I could not. So, my quest to become a ventriloquist continued.
I went to my local library and checked out books on ventriloquism. I took mail order courses. I sought advice from a local professional ventriloquist I knew at the time. I practiced every chance I could. And, quite frankly, I thought about giving up. People around me told me that I was wasting my time and that I would never succeed.
But, I still had "the dream." So I kept working. And, finally, after many months of practice and hard work, I did become a ventriloquist.
I'll never forget the look on the faces of my friends and family when I made Jerry "talk." Their jaws dropped! Suddenly I was not the kid who would "never be able to do it." Instead, I was admired by all of those around me. I had always been a shy person, but ventriloquism gave me a lot more confidence in myself and opened opportunities for me that I would have never been offered.
I began performing when I was 12 years old and have been doing shows ever since - over 40 years!
Was it worth it?
There is nothing like the feeling of performing a show for a live audience. It’s such a rush and people always want to talk after the show about the magic and illusion of ventriloquism.
Over the past 40 plus years, the question people most often ask me is, “How did you make that puppet look so alive? You had me believing he was a real person!” This is the greatest compliment you will receive as a ventriloquist. It’s when the audience gets so caught up in the illusion of your skill that, for a few moments, they think of your puppet as a living thing.

The performing opportunities, and the chance to make a really good income (either full time or part time), for a ventriloquist are nearly endless. Stage, night clubs, television, banquets, corporate functions, comedy clubs, school shows, churches, hospital shows, fairs and carnivals, library shows. The list goes on and on.
And, if you are a magician, clown or some other type of entertainer, adding ventriloquism adds even more variety and excitement to your show and makes you more in demand as a performer. This allows you to charge more money for your services.
Does it have to be so hard? Not anymore!
Years ago when I was starting, I realized that most ventriloquism books, videos and courses were either too complicated, did not contain enough information, were out of date, or took months to complete. That’s what I experienced when I was learning.
The reason most people don’t become ventriloquists is because a lot of materials on the market today make it difficult to learn as quickly as most people would like. They lose interest and quit before they reach their goal of becoming a ventriloquist.
Who can become a ventriloquist? Shocker!
Let me shatter a big myth right now. You don’t need some sort of weird throat or voice, or be some kind of “freak of nature” to become a ventriloquist. Can you talk? If you can, then you can become a ventriloquist. All it takes is a willingness to follow my step-by-step instructions and the commitment to practice just a few FUN minutes per day.
You can be performing in as little as 30 days!
The course is broken up into short, fun segments and guides you with video demonstrations in each of the lessons.
You can become a ventriloquist by only practicing 10-15 minutes per day!
So who is this Lee Cornell guy, anyway, and why should you listen to him?
Tapping into my degree in TV and video production, I decided to produce a video course, drawing on my (at that time) 25 years of being a ventriloquist. And I designed the course so that people could learn the secrets to this wonderful art form quickly and easily. You’ll become a ventriloquist faster than the driver of the pole position car at the Indianapolis 500!
I called it "Ventriloquism 101" and it was released on the World Wide Web in 1997. It quickly became the best selling Internet video course in the world - selling thousands and thousands of copies over the years.

The original Ventriloquism 101 website
I've been featured offline, online and in several magazines
over the years - recently as a cover story

I've also been booked as a performer at the Vent Haven International ventriloquist conVENTion

And I was extremely honored recently
to be chosen as a recipient of the
W.S. Berger Distinguished Service Award

Here are what students have to say about my ventriloquism training
Bram van Oostenbrugge - Stellendam, the Netherlands
I really want to thank you for this awesome course. You can get a lot of ventriloquist items, which help you learn the tricks behind ventriloquism, but this one is by far the best one that I've encountered. And I want to recommend this course to everyone who wants to learn ventriloquism. Even if English is your second or third language, this video course is something you want to have!"
Matthew Bobby, Westland, MI
THANK YOU so much. I just received my course today and at a quick glance I can tell the money I spent was well worth it. You have a great product and sell it at a fair price."
"Hello Lee,
Gary Lenon, Hershey, MI
I have purchased a couple of other training video and audio courses, but yours is so much better that I was caught by surprise! I've learned more already from your program than the others put together! A very professional presentation!"
"Hi Lee,
Peter Suslock, Stamford, CT
Just a quick note to tell you how absolutely delighted I am with your course! Your easy going style and heartfelt support are a pleasure, and buying your course is one the absolute best investments I've made. Lee, if you're ever available for private lessons I hope you'll let me know. Once again kudos on a magnificent course!"
Dick Barry, San Clemente, CA, Professional Magician at the Hollywood Magic Castle
I received your video course. I can't thank you enough. Your ventriloquism training program is truthfully the BEST. The information, presentation and the production quality was OUTSTANDING. I would recommend it above any other videos I've seen or books on the subject I have read."
"Hi Lee,
David Barbara, Columbus, OH
You are really an EXCELLENT teacher. I am absolutely fascinated by what I have learned from you just so far."
"Lee has very still lips and his pronunciation is crisp and clear. This video is well thought out and produced so that even the youngest of potential ventriloquists can understand it."
Dialogue Magazine, Vent World Assn. Vol.17, Number 3
"It’s very helpful to watch and hear Cornell, who is an accomplished ventriloquist indeed. His lips do not move. This package is a good way for you to explore the possibility of adding variety to your magic act. Recommended."
The Linking Ring Magazine, International Brotherhood Of Magicians, Vol.79, Issue 5
"Dear Lee,
George Cox, Newton, NC
Your course is outstanding. Your Ventriloquism 101 course did what you said it would do. I can do ventriloquism! I'm as happy as a hillbilly pig in a mud pie! I love my new skill and want to do it all of the time!"
Time marches on - The Ventriloquist Academy is born!
Ventriloquism is SUPER HOT right now as a performing art. Even though I've been performing nearly my whole life and teaching people for decades, a lot of people thought that ventriloquism and ventriloquists were a dying breed.
But with "vents" like Jeff Dunham becoming one of the top entertainers in the world selling out stadiums night after night, Terry Fator and Darci Lynne Farmer winning "America's Got Talent" and long time pro Jay Johnson winning a Tony Award for his one man show "The Two and Only" on Broadway, there has never been a better time to learn how to become a ventriloquist.
A few behind the scenes shots with some of my friends

with Jeff Dunham & Achmed
Who hasn't heard of superstar comic ventriloquist Jeff Dunham, Walter, Achmed the Dead Terrorist (" I Keel You!") and Peanut? I've been good friends with Jeff for 20 years and have seen his sold out arena show many times as his guest. He is one of the top money making comics on the planet. And just a great guy.
with Terry Fator
You may have seen Terry on "America's Got Talent." He won the competition and the $1 million in 2007. He now has his own theater in Las Vegas and is one of the must see shows in town.

with Jay Johnson
You may remember Jay from his starring role in the hit TV series "Soap" that ran from 1977-1981. Jay and his sidekick Bob were on the show for it's five year run. He also won a Tony award for his one man Broadway show "The Two and Only" in 2006. Jay continues to work on nearly all of the cruise lines that set sail.
Over the years, as my Ventriloquism 101 website grew, I began creating other training resources for ventriloquists. Some I put together on my own. Others I worked with other professionals on - videos, audio CD's, books, etc.
But as time has marched on, I've realized that people aren't much interested in purchasing physical products like DVD's, CD's and books. In today's streaming and digital information world, people want access to training NOW.
I not only wanted to move my Ventriloquism 101 instruction over to a digital platform, but I also wanted to make it easy to add new offerings as I come out with them!
That's why I created the Ventriloquist Academy ONLINE MEMBERSHIP website. So you can immediately begin learning from all of the included resources and then be notified as I add new materials. And I have a ton of ideas for additions to the academy. There are no physical products shipped - No DVD's, CD's or books. All of the content is accessed online in a secure members area that you can access from any device - computer, laptop, iPad, mobile device!
The Ventriloquist Academy Course!

Here are some of the topics covered in this comprehensive course!
- The REAL secret of ventriloquism (this will absolutely surprise you)!
- Speaking without moving your lips
- How to decide on a voice for your puppet (with examples of several voices)
- The secret of the ventriloquist voice
- The correct mouth positioning for the ventriloquist voice. (Doing this the wrong way can prevent you from becoming a ventriloquist)
- Sound substitutions
- How to say the difficult letters without moving your lips
- Breathing exercises
- How to make your puppet look alive
- How to choose the “right” type of ventriloquist puppet
- How to write scripts and routines that keep audiences engaged
- Insider tips to joke telling for maximum laughter
- And much, much more!
Here's exactly what you'll receive by becoming
a member of the Ventriloquist Academy
Online School

The Complete Original all time Best Selling Ventriloquism 101 Video Lessons
This is what started it all. Join Lee, Nick Woodson and Artie as they teach you step-by-step how to become a ventriloquist. The lessons are broken down into 20 short videos. This video course has sold thousands and thousands of copies.
Quick Start Audio Program
This great audio program will get you started FAST on becoming a ventriloquist. You'll be shown how to get the most out of the course, tips on practicing, how to become a ventriloquist as quickly as possible and how to have a lot of fun while you learn. Listen to this first before you begin the video course.

Ventriloquism Revealed
This knockout 32 page book is the perfect companion to the Ventriloquism 101 video. It contains tons of other tricks, tips and secrets to ventriloquism.
The Secrets to Destroying Stage Fright Forever!
Join Lee Cornell as he reveals the results of over 20 years worth of research - showing you secrets to making the words "Stage Fright" a thing of the past in your shows.
Lee covers the best of the best in information that will allow you to go on stage without fear. You'll feel a new level of confidence! Enjoy performing and make your shows better than ever!

Membership in the Ventriloquist Academy private Facebook group
Become part of the private Facebook community where you can join other members to discuss questions, technique, practice ideas, jokes, script writing ideas. Anything to help each other become better vents and performers.
This will be the go to place where you will want to hang out - as you learn - and after you learn how to become a ventriloquist.
I'll be checking into the group frequently as well, to see how everyone is doing and providing updates on additions to the Academy, answering questions you've posted and helping however I can.
The Ventriloquist Academy Has Moved!
Please do not order from this page!
Check out the NEW Ventriloquist Academy at
If you act right now, you'll also receive these
additional bonuses - FREE!
SUPER BONUS #1 - $20 Value

Working for a Laugh - The Corporate Comics Survival Guide
If you want to get into the market of performing in the corporate arena, this book complied by full time entertainer Paul Romhany is a must have.
It's 164 pages packed with hundreds of jokes, stories and ideas for the corporate market. And, nearly all of the material can be adapted for any type of audience.
SUPER BONUS #2 - $20 Value
Mega Sales and Marketing
This is one of the best resources ever put together by marketing guru and performer Dave Dee. The information in this book will literally allow you to book as many shows as you can handle, and teach you how to really promote yourself.
Over 100 of the best marketing ideas ever compiled.

SUPER BONUS #3 - $20 Value

How to Get $1 Million in Publicity...Free!
OK. You’re a ventriloquist. You've got a puppet. You have a routine. You're ready to perform. Now what?
How do you get publicity for your show so people will want to hire you? How do you get your name "out there?" How can you make money with your act?
How would you like to cut way down on your advertising costs, get thousands of dollars worth of publicity and become a celebrity for FREE?
That's where this amazing "recorded live" video seminar will help you. Not a video specifically geared towards ventriloquists, but a training video that reveals methods that can absolutely be used in any business...including the entertainment / ventriloquism field.
Dr. Paul Hartunian is the man who actually sold the World Famous Brooklyn Bridge! His story has been seen on hundreds of radio and TV shows, newspapers and magazine articles. Over the past 25 years, Dr. Hartunian has perfected his publicity system that hundreds of companies pay him up to $8,500 just to consult before sending out press and publicity releases.
In this dynamic, exciting 90 minute presentation, Dr. Hartunian reveals how anyone can get thousands of dollars of free publicity for their product, service or cause!
SUPER BONUS #4 - $30 Value
Videography Ninja Book and Video Combo
This revised and updated book by Lee Cornell will show you how to create your own promotional, demo and show videos at a fraction of the cost of hiring a professional videographer to do it for you.
You'll learn, without the technical mumbo jumbo, the tips and timeless techniques pros use to create video products that will get watched, get you more shows and make you more money.
This book, along with the companion training video is not just for ventriloquists. It's for anyone in the entertainment business who wants to learn how to create professional looking videos.
If you are wanting to send out a demo DVD to a prospective client, make sure they are actually watching your video and not just throwing it away. Or, if you want to create a DVD of your show to sell after your performance, you'll learn how to easily do that, too.
In addition to being a ventriloquist and magician for over 40 years, Lee also has a degree in film and television production. He has produced corporate, instructional, commercial, music, wedding, show and demo videos for over 25 years.

SUPER BONUS #5 - $20 Value

Al Steven's Music in Ventriloquism Workshop
Al has been a first rate jazz musician, entertainer and comedy ventriloquist for over 45 years.
He plays piano, trumpet, saxophone, valve trombone and string bass. He has has played jazz festivals and gigs all over the world, including Birmingham England, various clubs in London, Paris, Zurich, Amsterdam, New Orleans and New York City, the Hong Kong Music and Arts Festival, the Los Angeles Classic, the Maui Jazz Festival, the Sacramento Jazz Jubilee, Sun Valley, and, of course, his home town, Washington, DC.
This was the first workshop of it's kind ever presented at the Vent Haven conVENTion and Al literally covered a lifetime's worth of knowledge about the music business and how to take your show to the next level by teaching you the right way to add all types of music to your act.
Al also uses four of his ventriloquist figures (Dexter Dorsey, Uncle Sweeter Dabney, Pops and Aunt Sally Pickle) to demonstrate his topics.
SUPER BONUS #6 - $40 Value
Building a Professional Ventriloquist Dummy "On the Cheap"
Al Stevens has accomplished a lot over his lifetime. He was a computer programmer for NASA. He is also an accomplished musician able to play several instruments professionally, a vocalist, published author of dozens of books, speaker, instructor, comedian,ventriloquist and dummy maker.
That brings us to Al's fantastic video "Building a Professional Ventriloquial Dummy "On the Cheap."
Many who perform ventriloquism can’t afford the cost of professional hard ventriloquist dummies, so they are left using soft puppets (which is fine) or poor quality, inexpensive hard dummies.
Al took it as a challenge to come up with a way to teach nearly anyone who can follow step-by-step instructions how to make a pro dummy “on the cheap.”
Most of the supplies needed to create your new partner you may already have around your house or workshop.
Presented live at the Vent Haven Ventriloquist ConVENTion, Al takes you from the very first step and shows you how to sculpt the head and mold the cast in an easy to understand way.
Then he moves on to explain how to install the headstick , moving mouth and mechanics, install the eyes and irises in a very clever way, paint the figure, make the body and hands and where to get a wig and clothing for next to nothing,
The workshop is made crystal clear by a very informative slide presentation with multiple photographs. And at the end of the workshop, you’ll see the actual dummy that Al built. And you’ll see Al in action as he does a brief routine to close out his presentation.
You’ll also find the workshop a lot of fun, a trademark of an Al Stevens presentation! As a bonus, you have downloadable access to his PowerPoint slides show and body templates too! Make your own professional dummy!
On The Cheap!

SUPER BONUS #7 - $10 Value

Guide to "Hard" Ventriloquist Dummies
In this fun and educational video, Lee shows you several "hard" ventriloquist figures and their controls. From his very first "Jerry" dummy he received when he was nine years old, to the current figures he uses today and others in between, you'll see up close the many animations you can get when you purchase a professional figure.
Shots of the control stick, the levers and what they do, the placement of your fingers and more!
Plus you'll get some great insights as to how many different movements you truly need on a dummy, and the logic behind Lee's opinions. This information may surprise you!
SUPER BONUS #8 - $10 Value
Making Practice More Fun and Staying Motivated
For new ventriloquists just starting out, sometimes you need a little extra nudge to stay on track with your practicing and in staying motivated.
In this video, Lee provides some great advice on how to make practicing fun and exciting, which gets you closer to becoming a ventriloquist as quickly as possible. And Nick Woodson and Lee show an amazing example of how the illusion of ventriloquism works.

SUPER BONUS #9 - $10 Value

Creating Puppet Voices - Revisited
In this video, Lee expands on his original Ventriloquism 101 training and goes it to great detail on how to create as many puppet voices as you want. And it's a lot easier than you think!
Having problems coming up with a voice for your dummy? Not anymore! Using four core principals, you'll be amazed at how many voices you'll be able to add to your characters.
And, you'll see Lee demonstrate the voices using several of the figures he uses in his shows - and explains the "why" and the "how" he came up with his voices. There is a right way and a wrong way to choose a puppet voice. Lee makes it all crystal clear.
SUPER BONUSES #10 and #11 - $20 Value
Al Stevens Performance Combo
You've seen Al Stevens teach how to add music to your show and how to build your own professional ventriloquist dummy. Now, sit back and have a ton of laughs as Al gets on stage. He performs with Dexter Dorsey, Aunt Sally Pickle and Uncle Sweeter Dabney.
Dexter flirts with the ladies, Uncle Sweeter talks about his trips to the doctor, life with his "ol' woman", and Aunt Sally comments about her quests for men. These characters will keep you in stitches!

SUPER BONUS #12 - $15 Value

The Lee Cornell Show Compilation
Lee has been performing ventriloquism for over 40 years. Like, even before there were video cameras...
Enjoy watching clips of Lee performing with his most popular characters over the years - Nick Woodson (the original and the newer one), Snickers the Dog, Doc Wilson, Francisco the Mexican Parrot (a tribute to Sammy King), The "Mask" and more.
What's even more amazing is how the puppets look just the same through the years. Lee - not so much.
SUPER BONUS #13 - $15 Value
David Turner at the Vent Haven ConVENTion
David Turner has been performing for over 30 years.
Most of his puppets were built by him. In this video, recorded at the Vent Haven ConVENTion, you'll see David do routines with Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Tad Short and the sexy Stella.
David also has toured to over 14 countries with this cast of characters entertaining our military. Comedy, music, singing and perfect technique. You'll really enjoy watching this video!

SUPER BONUS #14 - Priceless?

One on One Help from Lee
When I started out as a ventriloquist back in the stone age, there was very little help as I tried to learn ventriloquism. I was mostly on my own. There was no internet, no websites, no blogs, no forums. Nothing.
When you join the Ventriloquist Academy, I'm going to make myself available to help you, if needed, as you work your way through the course.
You may find you don't need any assistance. But, if you have a question about the lessons, comedy, where to get puppets, the yearly convention, anything - just get in touch with me and I'll do my best to answer your question(s). I truly want to help you succeed in your quest to become not just a ventriloquist, but a GREAT ventriloquist!
Get started right NOW!
And you'll be on your way to becoming a ventriloquist
faster than you ever thought possible!
You know, if you’ve read this far, I know you really want to become a ventriloquist. You may have thought about it for years, but never got started. You may have thought it would be too difficult, or take too much time.
Well, here is your chance to finally take action and learn with the quickest, easiest and most fun course on the market. You will amaze your friends, family and audiences, and will have a talent that very few people will ever have. You’ll be the center of attention every time you perform with your little buddy.
You will have, enjoy and bring joy to others with this unique skill for the rest of your life. And, make a lot of money in the process by performing, if you desire.
You can learn ventriloquism! I guarantee it! Start your fun journey today!

I want you to have plenty of time to go through the materials and know that you can become a ventriloquist. That’s why I’m giving you 60 days – two full months to go through all of the training. How fair is that? If you feel you can’t learn ventriloquism, or are unhappy for any reason, I’ll refund your investment during the 60 day period.

- YES! Please give me immediate access to the Ventriloquist Academy Online School Member's Area today for this single super low ONE TIME investment
- YES! Even if I am a complete newbie I know this will work for me as long as I follow your course lessons
- YES! I want to start applying these tested and proven techniques today and finally learn how to become a ventriloquist!
- YES! I understand there is no risk whatsoever and I should join the Ventriloquist Academy RIGHT NOW for a very small, ONE-TIME, ONE-OFF investment and if I am not happy for whatever reason, I can request a refund under your 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
- YES! By joining now, I will receive all of the bonuses shown above!
That's a $350+ value for only $97!
The Ventriloquist Academy Has Moved!
Please do not order from this page!
Check out the NEW Ventriloquist Academy at
If you have questions, you can reach me through my HELP DESK HERE
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Jacko logo used with permission of the Vent Haven Museum