Lee Cornell and Dennis Acosta's "Puppets One At a Time" Presents

 "Knot Heads!"™

Watch the video

You may not remember Clinton Detweiler. If you don't, that makes me a little sad. He was a great friend of mine (as well as the entire worldwide vent community) for decades. He and his wife Adelia, owned and operated the world's most famous ventriloquist school, Maher Studios, for nearly 40 years. He was one of the most creative people I've ever known.

Clinton designed and made a cute little square puppet in 1970 called the Ventriloett.

It was an immediate best seller and he sold many of these during his years at Maher Studios. Sadly, Maher Studios closed in 2006 and Clinton passed away in 2013.

Every year at the annual Vent Haven Ventriloquist ConVENTion near Ft. Mitchell, KY, I bring one of my original Ventriloett's to carry around. People always ask me where I got it and I tell them the story.

Enter Dennis Acosta, puppet maker. He saw my Ventriloett at a convention and we discussed the possibly him creating his own version of the puppet. I was excited to see if this could work out. I contacted Clinton's daughter, Joy, to see if she was OK with us putting out a product based on Clinton's idea. She was thrilled to give us the OK!

So, what you see here is what Dennis and I came up with for these new characters we are calling Knot Heads.

They are available in a few stock models as well as a really cool kit (with video instructions) so you can create your own character!


  • 100% built by hand by Dennis Acosta - built when ordered
  • All wooden construction
  • Fleece covered
  • Smooth, reliable and quiet lever controlled mouth
  • All mechanics use springs and wire - NO strings or rubber bands
  • Portable but plays BIG
  • Can be used as a dummy's dummy
  • Great audience appeal
  • Each Knot Head is signed and numbered by Dennis
  • THESE ARE NOT TOYS, but professional vent figures

Stock Characters

Clothing may vary slightly based on availability of fabrics. We guarantee you'll love how the characters are dressed.

For International Orders - Follow these steps:

  1. Do NOT use the product links below!
  2. First email  me your shipping address to with the names of the character(s) you want to order.
  3. I will calculate shipping and handing to your destination and email you a custom shopping cart page link that will have the shipping and handling included in the total.
  4. Use that custom link to order. You must choose PayPal as the payment processor on the shopping cart page. You can still use a credit card if you'd like through PayPal, but again, you have to choose the PayPal option to order.













Limited Edition! Custom Character!



Limited Edition! Custom Character! ONLY ONE WAS MADE!

Al the Alien

Has blinking light and "beep" sounds!

Limited Edition! Custom Character!



Limited Edition! Custom Character!



Knot Heads Build It Yourself Complete Kit

For International Orders - Follow these steps:

  1. Do NOT use the product links below!
  2. First email  me your shipping address to with the names of the character(s) you want to order.
  3. I will calculate shipping and handing to your destination and email you a custom shopping cart page link that will have the shipping and handling included in the total.
  4. Use that custom link to order. You must choose PayPal as the payment processor on the shopping cart page. You can still use a credit card if you'd like through PayPal, but again, you have to choose the PayPal option to order.

Build your own Knot Head with this complete kit! It comes with all of the parts already cut and fabricated! Kit includes various eyes and noses, fleece fabric and pattern. You can also customize your new pal by going to your local hobby or craft store to pick out other things to use as hair, clothing, etc.

Easy to build! You probably already have all of the tools you'll need!

Includes HD videos on YouTube (you'll get the links with the kit) that shows you step-by-step how to build the puppet!

Take photos of your finished figure and send them to us! We'd love to see what you come up with!

Knot Heads Kit


Questions or Comments?
email Lee at


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